The Voyage of the Yacht, Dal from Gdynia to Chicago, 1933-34

The Voyage of the Yacht, Dal from Gdynia to Chicago, 1933-34

A. Bohomolec, Irene Tomaszewski
$ 25 
Miejsce wyd.:
The Canadian Foundation for Polish Studies
Rok wyd.:
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I am in awe of Irene Tomaszewski’s introduction and translation of the story of the Dal and her portrait of Andrzej Bohomolec, and am grateful for the opportunity to be one of the first to read it. Personally, I feel a connection to Andrzej Bohomolec—as a dreamer, in his need to organize such a bold and risky voyage, and living through the experience, surviving the catastrophe, and finding such a success… Dal is one of the most beautiful words in Polish, and yet so hard to translate into English. In a way, the Dal is a symbol of immigrants… an independence gained by decisions, action, and being alone in a dream. Małgorzta Kot

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