Constitutions, elections and leguslatutres of Poland, 1493-1993. A Guide to Their History

Constitutions, elections and leguslatutres of Poland, 1493-1993. A Guide to Their History

Jacek Jędruch
$ 21 
Miejsce wyd.:
EJJ Books
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To those who are unfamiliar with the achievements of Poland in the field of human rights, representative government and general participation of the citizens in the public life, the book may appear as a revelation. To those who know something about Polish history, Dr Jedruch's observations will give a wealth of interesting data, facts, details and comments. Written with care and learning, this guide will be very useful to all who approach the Polish legislative tradition with a desire to learn more of its concern with individual rights, freedom of conscience, civil disobedience, pacifism and militarism, and of the way it has been focus at crucial times for the life of the nation.

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